Sorry I am so bad at this blogging thing. Where do I start,
LUKE got a job at the Mines in Morenci. He is enjoying it very much and is so excited to be working again. He works from 6:00am-2:00pm Monday through Friday so even if he works overtime he isn't getting home to late. Which the pass two weeks he has done quite a bit of overtime. He basically cleans up the mines right now but you can move up really fast. He is passing all of the test they have given which makes you have a better chance of raises and being able to move up. He got called to be the 2nd counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency he gave a talk on Sunday along with the others in the presidency. They all did very well. He is enjoying this calling and is glad to be doing something other than primary, he liked the kids but is glad to be with adults for awhile.
AUBREY is growing up and wanting to do everything on her own. She is a handful and loves to hang out with her cousins. Her and Parker still get into trouble but starting to do a lot better. Now every time they are together they say don't get naked we want to be able to play still. She is so excited for her birthday and Halloween she is going to be Cinderella her grandma got her the costume a couple years ago and now it finally fits her so she has been talking about it ever since grandma gave it to her. She looks really cute. She is doing so good with her potty training, that is one thing I never thought she was going to learn but I think we have almost conquered that. YEAH!!!

EMILY is 7mths now and is rolling around every where and is starting to scoot to get her toys. She is the best baby, she is always so happy so when she does cry you know that there is something really wrong. She loves to eat and so far hasn't been to picking on what I feed her lets hope it stays that way. She does really good through the night and has been sleeping in her crib and sharing a room with Aubrey, which is working out great. I am excited to see her grow and see what kind of a personality she will have, hopefully a little more mellow than Aubrey.
ME, I am doing good I have been exercising with my sister Carol on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Her stake has all the equipment so it's been really nice to do that. I am still trying to get the whole step aerobics down. I guess I am less coordinated then I thought. We do weights, abs and cardio it's been kicking my butt, but I feel good and Aubrey can hang out with all the other kids there. It's been nice living with my grandma she had been keeping me company the last couple of weeks while Luke has got home later. She has been such a blessing for our family right now. I am the Nursery leader again in my new ward I guess I didn't get it right before and needed some more experience. I think Aubrey was praying for me to be her teacher, it will be fine she will be in Sunbeams soon.

This is how I felt the first day I went to exercise. I am doing better now finally!!!!
Anyways hopefully this wasn't too boring we have been all doing great we miss you all and hope to see you soon. Have a great day!!!