This time last year I was getting ready to go to the hospital to have my first C-section. I remember being so nervous. I was full of emotions because I was about to have my second child and Aubrey was with my family because the doctor said that I was going to have to take it easy so I wouldn't go into Labor. You see Emily was Breech so that is why I had to get a c-section thank you to everybody that helped me this time last year.

Emily got a Wagon for her birthday, she loves it and Aubrey Likes to push her in it.

Some things that Emily likes to do.....
1. Crawl up the stairs and play the piano, she always looks back when she gets on the first step to see if she will get caught.
2. She loves to put her head downward and have someone flip her over. She wants to do a Summer Sault so bad. (She is almost there)
3. Loves to crawl under things and hide. (She will be a pro at hide and seek)
4. Says Mom, Dad and likes to make lots of different sounds.
5. Makes noises with her lips. (cousin Raelene taught her that one.
6. She is such a happy baby and is very curious and loves life.
7. She made it to her one year birthday without any teeth, yep still toothless. She just gums everything like crazy.
Emily we just want you to know that we all love you very much and am so glad that you are apart of our family. You bring so much joy into our lives. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father trusted his daughter to come to our family. We are truly blessed.