We went to Mesa for general conference this weekend. The girls got to take a bath together and watch a movie on grandmas bed they were in heaven. It was a fun weekend.

We went to a Teddy Bear picnic with my sister and her kids. It was a windy day but they had lots of fun.

Happy Birthday Grandma Buck. We had dinner for her and cake and ice cream. Good thing aunt Debbie made three cakes because the one that Payton was holding during the picture slipped off the tray and landed on the floor as well as Tyson leg. It was pretty funny.

We also went to Kelsi's concert she was a blue jay. IT was really cute and Kelsi was having a blast dancing and blowing us kisses.
Aubrey got a hold of the sizzers this week as well. Actually twice this week she cut her own hair. We had to emphasize again that only Aunt Tamra can cut her hair.
We decided to plant a garden this year. We have had lots of fun together as a family working on this project.
The corn is starting to sprout as well as the watermelon we are excited to see what happens in the next couple of weeks.

I decided to get the girls a little pool, at first Emily did not want anything to do with it, but by the end she was splashing away. They have lots of fun with it. In this picture the water was a little cold but I promise her blue lips are from candy.