My sister Cindy is building a house next door to us. This is whats left of my great grandma's trailer. It's going to be gone soon crazy!!!!

Emily Loves to crawl on top of Aubrey they are really started to play good together thank goodness.

For Halloween my sister Carol and I had our kids dress up with the Peter pan theme. We have Peter pan, Wendy, Caption Hook, Tinkerbell and The Crocodile. It turned out to be very cute.

Aubrey thought she was so pretty and of course she was and loved that Aunt Tamra did her hair and make up.

Earlier that morning we went to Bashas with my Friend and her kids trick or treating there and decorated a cake the girls had lots of fun.

The after shot of the Jack o lanterns

The Girls painting on there little pumpkins they really had fun with that.

We had a great Halloween at the Pima Trunk or treating and enjoyed being with family and friends.