It is so true that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. I love being with family and celebrating the birth of our Savior. We did a lot over the Holiday. We went to Mesa for Christmas and enjoyed a week of fun there with Lukes family it was nice having all of his brothers and sisters together that hasn't happened in a long time. Than we were home for a couple of days. Monday we went to Pomerene I enjoyed sometime with my sisters and Luke got to help my dad build a fence. Now we are home relaxing and going to enjoy the next couple of days at home before school starts again. Here is a few pictures of some fun things we did this holiday season...
Luke has always wanted a Steve Nash trading card so he was very happy when he found some in his stockings


Aubrey loves her bike:)

Can't have Christmas without the NATIVITY and FOOD!!!

Working hard all Christmas Eve to get everything together

I would recommend riding the tram to the suns game anytime. We had a blast at the game. It was all of Luke brothers and sisters and my brother Jason and his wife were there too.

Luke would be really sad if I didn't post this picture of the suns dancers

We took the kids to Jeepers they had so much fun riding all the rides:)

One of the nights we went to Todd and Des house and had yummy Mexican food and Smores

Hanging out with the family

Gingerbread houses we actually did it this year for Christmas instead of in July. Doing better this year

We hope you all Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!