Aubrey fishing at the ponds.. and playing with cousins. Her and her cousin Parker are always getting into trouble. They have dumped out baby cereal and had a food fight got into aunt tamra's makeup. Took the matress of the bed and sliding. We are constantly having to make sure they are not naked. This could be a problem if they keep getting naked. They are having a blast together though.
Emily is 6 mths now rolling and eating and enjoying life. She is such a good baby.
I was trying to get her to smile but it didn't work.
That was a fun weekend I am glad I cam down thanks for letting me join you. It was a nice relaxing break. Love ya
Too funny!!! :) Love the pictures :) Emily is so cute!!! She is getting so big too!!! We miss you guys!! Hope to see you all soon!!
Fun times. It will be interesting to see what Emily and Courtney get into when they start hanging out.
YOU ARE SUCH A CUTE MOM! I am so sad that we don't live in AZ and close so our kids could play!! They sure are cute girls!
wow the girls are getting sooo big! I really hope to see you in November!!
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