Emily is 9mths now she is growing up fast. She Army crawls everywhere and loves to get on all fours but just hasn't guite figured out what to do after that. Her favorite word is Ma Ma Ma. I very happy that I was her first word. She Is a very happy baby which is such a blessing. She also loves to smile and crawl under anything and everything. Her new found game is hide and seek. I am constantaly trying to find her she is always behind one of the chairs or underneath so I have to be really careful. She gets around fast now.

Aubrey is now three and is talking non stop. She will talk to anyone. It only takes her a second before she is asking someone there name and wants to play with them. We went to mesa for a interview and stayed with marsha and Gary that was lots of fun.
Monday we went to the temple lights with Luke's family. It is so pretty and and the nativities our cool to look at from all of the different countries.
Tuesday we went shopping with grandma and Aubrey got to play at the mall play ground. Than Tuesday night we went to visit my Aunt Janice and went to my cousin house for dinner, thanks it was good.

This was so cute Aubrey just barely met this girl and they hit it off. The girl was helping Aubrey get on the present so I had to take a picture.

Emily got a hold of a marker, it was a lot worse. She puts everything in her mouth now.
We have had lots of fun this passed couple of weeks we went to Our Aunt patty's house and had a family home evening with all of the family here in Thatcher. It was fun, Aubrey got to be a angel for the nativity scene.
Luke passed the first part of the interview and has a phone interview on tuesday for USAA so we shall see how it turns out. What ever the lord has in store for us we are ready and willing.
I'm so glad you updated!!! :) Looks like you guys had a very busy couple of weeks!!! It was so good to see you again while you were and have dinner with you guys!!! :) I will see this weekend!! :)
We will keep you guys in our prayers and cross our fingers Luke can get a job...hopefully back here in the valley because we miss you guys. Love all the pics, glad you guys are having fun!
Opps on the marker! Yikes! Your girls look so much a like now, especially in the first picture which I am not realizing may be on another post. Can't wait to see you guys!
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