I just want to let my husband know that he is a wonderful father, husband and friend. He has been working so hard for our family and I appreciate everything that he does. Sometimes it his hard with two kids one trying to get use to sleeping through the night and one that is almost potty trained. He defiantly has to show a lot of patience. Aubrey loves it when he plays airplane with him, she gets in the laundry basket and he flies her around that is her favorite thing to do with him. Emily just loves to here him talk and make funny faces. He was pretty lucky this year for father's day he got to open his presents on Saturday. Why, I don't know we were just joking around about it and than decided why not we have church at 8:30 in the morning so we wouldn't have time to do it before that. I think that he was very happy with what he got. Also for dinner we had steak and potatoes, he loved that. It's not very often he gets things like that. After that we went to his Dad's house and visited with them. I am lucky enough to have a great father and father-in-law. I love all of these men very much. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!
Tamra surprised me and came up to visit for a little bit. Her and some of her friends went to the temple and than swam at my house. It was great to see her, I always love it when my family comes to visit.
1 comment:
Happy Late Father's Day to Luke!!! He is a great husband to you!!! :) I'm so glad you got to see Tamra!!! :)
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