Well it's hard to believe it but today Emily is three months old. She is starting to smile and react to different things. She is pretty good with lifting her head but doesn't like tummy time too much. I still have her do it though to get stronger. She is a pretty good baby and is doing a lot better now that she is feeling better. I can't believe that she started out so small 5lbs 7oz, and needed help with her oxygen you wouldn't know if you saw her now. She is growing very well and the last appointment which was about a month ago she weighed 9lbs 12oz. I was happy to hear that. She is trying to roll over we will see how long it takes her to figure it out.
I still have my baby fat though, sad :( I have official started to exercise, well since Monday. I defiantly can tell the difference maybe not my tummy yet but my attitude is a lot better. I don't feel as tired these past couple of nights. In fact, tonight I had a small head ache and was not in the mood to go. I told myself it is too earlier to be making excuses, so I dragged my butt off the couch and went and sure enough it felt better. Not to mention that I get a some time to myself which by the end of the day I need. Luke has been very supportive of my decision to start exercising again and will let me go first. I appreciate his help I think he has notice that I am a lot happier too. We usually go when he gets home from work. Thanks Luke for your love and support. Aren't husbands the greatest.
Anyways the kids are feeling a lot better Aubrey had a earache but she is doing good now. So I think life is back to normal YAY!!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!
HAPPY 3 MONTHS EMILY!!!! Your are growing so big and so fast!! We sure do love you!!! Amirra say's hi :)
How cute!! So when are you guys coming down this way again? It has been forever since we have seen you! I forgot you live in a apartment we need to come visit you and take advantage of your pool! You are good Bryce is 5 months and I havent started exercising yet! I am lazy
She is getting so Big!
You figured out how to get a cool background. I like it. it's fun hu?
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