Here is the latest thing I did with my food storage. It's canned Pork.
All of them sealed and it they tasted so good we had BBQ Pork on tortillas last night for dinner just to taste them since I had never had them before. It was really good. If anyone ever needs help canning I can show you how it's pretty easy.

So all together I have done 7quarts and 18 pints of beans 18 pints of chicken and 18 pints of Pork. I have been really excited to finally get this started.

On Saturday Luke painted the bathroom with some paint that helps with mildew. He has decided that he does not want to be a painter for a living. He survived though and enjoyed himself. Made a mess but enjoyed himself.
As far as substitute teaching, he is loving it. He has got a call almost everyday. He is enjoying the kids and has had the chance to Sub for two Spanish classes, which has been a lot of fun for him. I am happy that he has this opportunity this will give him an idea of how a classroom is ran and help him now that he wants to pursue his education and become a Spanish teacher. I am so proud of him and his willingness to do anything for our family.