I am happy to say that Luke finally turned all of his paper work in and is substitute teaching for the first time today. He is excited and a little nervous it is 10th and 12th grade English. I will let you know how it turned out later. Before he left he said I am a WORKING MAN!!!

yay beans and jobs! wooooooo!
Hooray for luke!!! Also Hooray for you and canning!!! Man I need to come to your house, so you can help me can some food!!!! :) Sure do miss you, I get so bored and lonely without you here :( sniff,sniff.
HOORAY FOR LUKE, and HOORAY for BEANS! I want a pressure cooker SO BAD! I am glad all is going well. SURE MISS YOUR GUTS! I also miss hearing you say 'TOODLES!' you're the best!
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