It's been a great holiday season with family and birthdays. I celebrated my 27th birthday on Sunday. My sisters, grandma and aunt Debbie came over for dinner and cake and ice cream. It's hard to believe that I am 27 I don't look it but I am starting to feel it, my knees have been hurting.
How it all looked after Santa came and visited. Aubrey loves her kitchen. Even Emily will go over and open the cupboards. Aubrey loves to cook me eggs and waffles. At first Aubrey didn't quite know how to react because she was still tired Luke woke her up at 8:00. It was kind of nice to sleep in.
Christmas eve we went to my Grandma Barneys and did the nativity scene and santa came to vist. I was sick so I could not eat the spanish food I was so sad:( This is a tradition that I hope last forever. Not the being sick but the nativity. My whole family was there for christmas eve so that was nice to hang out with the whole family.
Everyone came over and made chocolate prezetls, thanks Aunt Debbie for doing this for us it was fun.

My sister Carol had us for Christmas She gave the girls matching dresses. They looked so cute and it was fun dressing them alike. New Years we went to Tonya's house and did Kareoke, the Wii and played games until 2:00am Crazy I know. It was fun to have a sleep over.
Looks like you had a great Birthday, Christmas, and New Years!!! This year I'm hoping to go to poemerene for Christmas Eve!!! :) I love the girl's matching dresses!!! :)
I'm glad to see you guys had a good holiday! My kids got a kitchen this year too and they love it! Hope all is well. Love ya!
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