Emily got her first tooth. IT was about a week before she turned 15 mths and it looks like the rest our about to come in. The only thing is she was a grouch during our Utah trip teething and all. She loves to wave and say uh oh. She will drop something and then say it. It's cute. Still wont walk on her own though. She is not scared to climb but wont walk. Soon I hope :)

They love eating Popsicles at grandmas.

We went to the St George temple with my cousin Tyler and Becky that was a lot of fun. Aubrey loved the statue of Jesus.

This is who we stayed with Goska and Mike and there little girl Freya. Goska was one of there baptism in Poland and this was his companion. We had lots of fun in Utah thanks guys.

This was at Circus Circus in Vegas the girls really had fun there.

We got to go on Mike's parents boat this was at the end the kids were exhausted from a long day

I tried water Skiing but my feet were to small for the skis so sad. I tried though no one else would.

We had fun on the tubes though. We enjoyed our trip but it is always nice to be back home too.