We have had a gingerbread house since Christmas and Aubrey kept wanting to decorate it so finally we finished it. And what a better day than the exact date that marks 6 mths past Christmas and 6 more mths until Christmas!!! Here is the finish product....
Nice, did you eat it!!!! ;) That is so crazy that we have 6 months until Christmas!!!! Crazy!!!! Love and miss you guys....see you this weekend (hopefully)
What can I say about our little family. July 18th we will have been married for 9 years. We have the three cutest girls ever, Aubrey that was born in November of 2005 and Emily that was born March 2008. Kylee that was born Nov 2010. Luke is a Highschool Spanish teacher for the Duncan School District. I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom.
Looks great and perfect timing on the date! Wow, Emily is growing up right before my eyes. We need to get together next time you guys are in town.
Nice, did you eat it!!!! ;) That is so crazy that we have 6 months until Christmas!!!! Crazy!!!! Love and miss you guys....see you this weekend (hopefully)
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