Here is an update on what our garden looks like. We have all ready had lots of cucumbers and the watermelons are almost ready to pick. The corn is doing ok but we have had lots of bugs eating them so sad:(

This is the pumpkin patch it's huge and the pumpkins are getting so big. I know it's a little early for Halloween but I am sure they will keep growing.

Aubrey waiting to dance for us!!!

Aubrey has been wanting to go to dance class since see she saw her cousin dance. EAC was offering a one week dance camp for $15 so we thought that would be fun for her. This is the dance they worked on throughout the week. ENJOY!!!! She wanted to wear Kayla's dance outfit she gave her so I told her when they performed that would be ok. She was so excited!!
I like how Aubrey isn't afraid to be her own person. She's so funny.
I love your garden!!! I"m so jealous!!! :) Aubrey is so cute!!! Go Aubrey
What an wonderful blog! I wish I had the time and brains to make a nice blog. Thanks for sharing with everyone your special sweet little girls.
Love ya
Hi Amy! This is Vicki "Finley" How u doing ? I miss u! I saw u last yr at church but when I went to say hi, u were gone and I even swung by grannys place to see if I could catch u there. But alas...No one answered my yells of hello that i exclaimed as I popped my head in the door. Tamera later told me that I should have just came in but it had been so long that I had been there that I felt weird walking in. But anyways glad to see that u are well and I hope to actually talk to u face to face soon :)
It is a good thing I see you often enough to know what is going on in your life or you would be in trouble for not updating.
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