She loves chocolate and going under the table to find scrapes of food. I promise I feed my children.

Emily has been quite the handful lately she loves to get into everything and ride her little car. She even found her dads cell phone and put it in a cup of water, luckily it dried out and is still working after much worrying occurred.

Aubrey got to go to her cousins house and play in the water. This is one of her favorite things to do WATER WATER WATER anything with water. Although she can't stand getting a little water on her shirt or part of her body. Hmm... who does that sound like?

We had a good time with Luke's parents in the swimming pool, Aubrey is so excited because she can finally play in the pool. You have to be potty trained to swim in her community park.

The girls hanging out while Luke was in the hot tub!!!

We had a wonderful time in Alpine memorial weekend. Almost all of my family got to come which made it very fun. Unfortunately Cindy couldn't make it her daughter got a really bad ear infection we missed them. I couldn't find my camera until the very end. So I will have to get pictures from my dad.
Sounds like you guys had a great time!!!! :) Love all the pictures
Busy, busy, how was your trip?
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