Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday we went to the temple lights with Luke's family. It is so pretty and and the nativities our cool to look at from all of the different countries.
Tuesday we went shopping with grandma and Aubrey got to play at the mall play ground. Than Tuesday night we went to visit my Aunt Janice and went to my cousin house for dinner, thanks it was good.
We have had lots of fun this passed couple of weeks we went to Our Aunt patty's house and had a family home evening with all of the family here in Thatcher. It was fun, Aubrey got to be a angel for the nativity scene.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Keeping the faith
Well we are surviving with no job right now thanks too grandma and family. We went up to Mesa right after he got laid off to help move Luke's sister Tonya and her three kids. Him and his dad flew to Kansas and drove the Uhaul back to Arizona. We are glad that they are living in Arizona now.
We decided to just stay until Thanksgiving so we were there for two weeks. Thanksgiving was nice we spent it with Luke's family in Surprise. Than Friday after thanksgiving Luke and I got to go on a date. I got Luke Suns tickets for his birthday. Too bad they lost and Nash didn't play because he got hurt. Luke was bummed about that, but it was still nice to go on a date.
Now we are back to reality and still looking for a job. We have put some resumes out and hope to hear from some of them soon. With everyone getting laid off we pretty much realize now that we are going to have to find a job somewhere else, there is just not that much out there right now.
We are doing good though, Enjoying having Luke home while we can and the girls love playing with daddy. I think he is ready to work again and realizes just how much moms do. Aubrey is growing up fast and will be in Sunbeams soon!!! Hard to believe that I have a child in Primary.
Emily is good she is such a good baby, still no teeth though. Poor girl has to gum everything.
Over all we considered ourselves very blessed this holiday season and know that the lord has a plan for us.
We decided to just stay until Thanksgiving so we were there for two weeks. Thanksgiving was nice we spent it with Luke's family in Surprise. Than Friday after thanksgiving Luke and I got to go on a date. I got Luke Suns tickets for his birthday. Too bad they lost and Nash didn't play because he got hurt. Luke was bummed about that, but it was still nice to go on a date.
Now we are back to reality and still looking for a job. We have put some resumes out and hope to hear from some of them soon. With everyone getting laid off we pretty much realize now that we are going to have to find a job somewhere else, there is just not that much out there right now.
We are doing good though, Enjoying having Luke home while we can and the girls love playing with daddy. I think he is ready to work again and realizes just how much moms do. Aubrey is growing up fast and will be in Sunbeams soon!!! Hard to believe that I have a child in Primary.
Emily is good she is such a good baby, still no teeth though. Poor girl has to gum everything.
Over all we considered ourselves very blessed this holiday season and know that the lord has a plan for us.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Keep on going.....
Well do you want the good news or the bad news first? Well I will start with the good news who whats to hear bad news right off the bat. Luke gets to watch all of the suns games and doesn't have to work shift work now. OK did you figure out the bad news, yep he got laid off from his job along with 400 hundred other people from the mines. The economy it's bad right now that is all I can say. I am sure that many of you have been effected by this as well. We are in good spirits right now because we know that we have been so blessed. We are not having to worry about rent or a morgage becuase my wonderful grandma has been so good to let us stay with her. We have family that has offered to help us in anyway that we need and most important we have a Heavenly father that is aware of our needs and will bless us I know that he will. He has so much all ready. We will continue to keep the faith and enjoy the blessings of this trail and start now looking for a job. IF YOU KNOW OF ANYTHING LET US KNOW!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Aubrey!!!
We had a great time in Pomerene this weekend. Aubrey got to celebrate her birthday with her cousins Andrew, Jacob, Matthew, Benjamin and Aaron. Her Aunt Kim and Uncle Kevin and Grandma and Grandpa Edington. She had a Piniata she was so excited about this until Andrew hit it and it broke she started to cry and said that he broke it. I guess she didn't get the concept of the whole thing. This is what she wanted though. We went to the zoo and had lots of fun with everybody.
We also got to see my grandma Barney, she looks so good and seems to be healing very well from brain surgery.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween was lots of fun this year. Thursday before Halloween we went to a Elders Quorum party. we had a potluck and carved pumpkins. We won best of Show!!! It was a headless pumpkin. It was lots of fun.

The next night we carved our family pumpkins and had a blast together.
Halloween morning Aubrey woke up and came into my room and said ok lets get ready. She was very excited to be a princess.

She wanted to show off her hair in this one.
Halloween went really well Aubrey loved being Cinderella and Emily was the cutest pumpkin ever. We went with Cindy to the schools carnival and then with Carol to the Pima stake trunk or treat.
The next night we carved our family pumpkins and had a blast together.
Halloween morning Aubrey woke up and came into my room and said ok lets get ready. She was very excited to be a princess.
She wanted to show off her hair in this one.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
what's up?

Sorry I am so bad at this blogging thing. Where do I start,
LUKE got a job at the Mines in Morenci. He is enjoying it very much and is so excited to be working again. He works from 6:00am-2:00pm Monday through Friday so even if he works overtime he isn't getting home to late. Which the pass two weeks he has done quite a bit of overtime. He basically cleans up the mines right now but you can move up really fast. He is passing all of the test they have given which makes you have a better chance of raises and being able to move up. He got called to be the 2nd counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency he gave a talk on Sunday along with the others in the presidency. They all did very well. He is enjoying this calling and is glad to be doing something other than primary, he liked the kids but is glad to be with adults for awhile.
AUBREY is growing up and wanting to do everything on her own. She is a handful and loves to hang out with her cousins. Her and Parker still get into trouble but starting to do a lot better. Now every time they are together they say don't get naked we want to be able to play still. She is so excited for her birthday and Halloween she is going to be Cinderella her grandma got her the costume a couple years ago and now it finally fits her so she has been talking about it ever since grandma gave it to her. She looks really cute. She is doing so good with her potty training, that is one thing I never thought she was going to learn but I think we have almost conquered that. YEAH!!!

EMILY is 7mths now and is rolling around every where and is starting to scoot to get her toys. She is the best baby, she is always so happy so when she does cry you know that there is something really wrong. She loves to eat and so far hasn't been to picking on what I feed her lets hope it stays that way. She does really good through the night and has been sleeping in her crib and sharing a room with Aubrey, which is working out great. I am excited to see her grow and see what kind of a personality she will have, hopefully a little more mellow than Aubrey.
ME, I am doing good I have been exercising with my sister Carol on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Her stake has all the equipment so it's been really nice to do that. I am still trying to get the whole step aerobics down. I guess I am less coordinated then I thought. We do weights, abs and cardio it's been kicking my butt, but I feel good and Aubrey can hang out with all the other kids there. It's been nice living with my grandma she had been keeping me company the last couple of weeks while Luke has got home later. She has been such a blessing for our family right now. I am the Nursery leader again in my new ward I guess I didn't get it right before and needed some more experience. I think Aubrey was praying for me to be her teacher, it will be fine she will be in Sunbeams soon.

This is how I felt the first day I went to exercise. I am doing better now finally!!!!
Anyways hopefully this wasn't too boring we have been all doing great we miss you all and hope to see you soon. Have a great day!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Aubrey fishing at the ponds.. and playing with cousins. Her and her cousin Parker are always getting into trouble. They have dumped out baby cereal and had a food fight got into aunt tamra's makeup. Took the matress of the bed and sliding. We are constantly having to make sure they are not naked. This could be a problem if they keep getting naked. They are having a blast together though.
Emily is 6 mths now rolling and eating and enjoying life. She is such a good baby.
I was trying to get her to smile but it didn't work.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fun in Utah!!!
We just got back from Utah last night, we left the 14th of August so we were glad to be home and in our own beds. Thursday we stayed at Marisa's thanks for letting us hang out with you. And Friday night we stayed at Marc and Trina's it was good seeing you guys. Then it was off to the airport Saturday the 16th. The girls did so good in the plane. I was so proud of them. Aubrey was so excited to fly in the sky like a bird. On the way back she slept the whole time.
Saturday through Monday morning we stayed at Luke's Uncle Stan's house. His son Robert had his farwell this was the reason we went up there and decided we might as well have a vacation why we were at it. Uncle Stan was so nice and let us use his van all week. THANKS!!!
Monday it was off to Aaron's house Luke me and his parents cleaned up Aunt Linda's yard and Tuesday Luke and his dad painted the garage to earn some money for our vacation.
Wednesday we went to lagoon with Aaron Tara and Alek, it was a lot of fun. Aubrey got to go on her first roller coaster and lots of rides. The roller coasters were crazy fun. We had a great time.

Thursday we all went camping and rode the 4 wheeler. It was a beautiful night and it wasn't that bad sleeping in the tent. It was a little rocky though. We had hot dogs and smores and the kids loved it.
Friday and Saturday we just hang out at Aaron and Tara's.
Sunday and Monday we went to Mary Maulik and Kaleb's house the kids had a blast together. They played so good together and enjoyed themselves.
Over all it was a great trip thanks to all of you that let us stay at your house. We appreciate!!
Saturday through Monday morning we stayed at Luke's Uncle Stan's house. His son Robert had his farwell this was the reason we went up there and decided we might as well have a vacation why we were at it. Uncle Stan was so nice and let us use his van all week. THANKS!!!
Monday it was off to Aaron's house Luke me and his parents cleaned up Aunt Linda's yard and Tuesday Luke and his dad painted the garage to earn some money for our vacation.
Wednesday we went to lagoon with Aaron Tara and Alek, it was a lot of fun. Aubrey got to go on her first roller coaster and lots of rides. The roller coasters were crazy fun. We had a great time.
Thursday we all went camping and rode the 4 wheeler. It was a beautiful night and it wasn't that bad sleeping in the tent. It was a little rocky though. We had hot dogs and smores and the kids loved it.
Friday and Saturday we just hang out at Aaron and Tara's.
Sunday and Monday we went to Mary Maulik and Kaleb's house the kids had a blast together. They played so good together and enjoyed themselves.
Over all it was a great trip thanks to all of you that let us stay at your house. We appreciate!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Baby blessing
Family pictures
Thursday, July 31, 2008
we made it...
Ok sorry it has taken so long to let you all know that we have survived the move. We are getting settle in and enjoying living with my grandma. She is the coolest!!! We have spent a lot of time with my sisters, Aubrey has loved it. Her and Parker have all ready done some crazy things together. Luke found them in the bathroom naked in the shower, not to mention that the bathroom was in a mess. It was actually kind of funny. Aubrey has all ready put make up on Parker too. Hopefully Carol will still let them hang out. Monday, Aubrey got to play with Cindy's girls as well she loved that.
It is very nice here in Thatcher, life just seems a little less stressful. People are nicer and everyone waves at you as you go passed. It kind of reminds me of the good old days in Pomerene. This morning we all went on a walk to the post office and Aubrey got to ride her bike she thought that was the coolest. Usually we tell her that it is too hot to play outside.
Luke has been a great help for my grandma he clean up the front and back yard for her. It looks really good. I have been keeping the inside clean, Yes me doing my dishes right after I eat weird I know. It is so much easier I don't know why I didn't just do it before.
Aubrey has asked us a couple of times when we are going home, we tell her this is our new home now. Remember you have your own bedroom. I think that she is starting to get use to the idea. We drove up to the house yesterday and she said "look mom my new home," with a big smile.
Anyways, we miss all of you in Mesa but know that the Lord has sent us here for a reason and am glad to start a new chapter in our lives. Until next time ,have a great day!!!
It is very nice here in Thatcher, life just seems a little less stressful. People are nicer and everyone waves at you as you go passed. It kind of reminds me of the good old days in Pomerene. This morning we all went on a walk to the post office and Aubrey got to ride her bike she thought that was the coolest. Usually we tell her that it is too hot to play outside.
Luke has been a great help for my grandma he clean up the front and back yard for her. It looks really good. I have been keeping the inside clean, Yes me doing my dishes right after I eat weird I know. It is so much easier I don't know why I didn't just do it before.
Aubrey has asked us a couple of times when we are going home, we tell her this is our new home now. Remember you have your own bedroom. I think that she is starting to get use to the idea. We drove up to the house yesterday and she said "look mom my new home," with a big smile.
Anyways, we miss all of you in Mesa but know that the Lord has sent us here for a reason and am glad to start a new chapter in our lives. Until next time ,have a great day!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Luke's work
Luke's work had a going away party for him today and we were invited.. It was so nice that they did that for him. He has been working there for over 5 years so he will be missed. Aubrey was showing off like usual. Singing, dancing, just making everyone laugh. This is before we went Aubrey couldn't wait she was so excited to go to daddy's work.
So Cute...
The other day I was looking for Aubrey and guess where I found her. Asleep on my bed, the cutest part is that she was listening to Luke's CD player sleeping on his pillow and using his blanket. She wanted to be just like her daddy. I guess she has watched him before. She even turned it on. It was so cute that I had to take a picture. Sorry it is kind of fuzzy.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
5 happy years!!!
Thank you so much for all of you that offered to watch the girls for us. It means a lot that we have so many willing to help. I just wanted to tell my hubby that he is an amazing man and that I look forward to the years ahead. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Remember when...
I actually saw this on Sara's blog and it looked cute so I thought I would try it.
Here's how you play:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. It's actually pretty funny to the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Here's how you play:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. It's actually pretty funny to the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Alpine family reunion
We just got back from Alpine, we were at a family reunion it was a lot of fun. Almost all of my brothers and sisters got to go. The weather was so beautiful I did not want to go back to Mesa. It rained a little bit almost everyday. We had lots of fun hanging out fishing, watching fireworks and having cookouts. It was a blast.
But all good things must come to an end and now I am busy at work packing. It is hard with little kids that are both very clinging lately. Thank goodness for my sister-in-law Trina she came over and helped me pack about half of the stuff that was a big help THANKS!!! It's hard to believe how much trash a person collects over three years. I couldn't believe the stuff we found. Luckily I was in a throwing away mood so we got rid of a lot of junk. Anyways we are getting there slowing but surely and will be moving out on the 26th of July. Two more weeks CRAZY!!!! Than it's off to a new adventure. Bring it on!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
We are moving to Thatcher!!!
Well you know when you are trying to figure out what to do with life and then before you know it all comes together, well that is how it has been with us the past couple of days. We have been praying and felt that we need to move to Thatcher Arizona for a little while. Luke is going to do Substitute teaching while he is looking for a job in Mesa or somewhere else. This way he can go to interviews when he needs too he just wont sub that day. Also we get the wonderful opportunity to stay with my grandma and sister who I love so much. This will be good for us we have wanted a change for a long time. Everything is working out for the best. We want to come back to Mesa so watch out for us.
We will miss all of are friends and family up here, but we feel that we need to do this and the spirit has confirmed that this is what we need to do. Luke's last day of work will be the 25th of July then it is off to the Thatcher. We love you all and thank you for your friendships love and support through the years.
We will miss all of are friends and family up here, but we feel that we need to do this and the spirit has confirmed that this is what we need to do. Luke's last day of work will be the 25th of July then it is off to the Thatcher. We love you all and thank you for your friendships love and support through the years.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Outside fun
Well it is officially hot hot hot!!! We have reached passed 110. Poor Aubrey in the winter I say it is too cold outside to play and now I tell her it is way to hot. We pretty much go early in the morning or late at night. Raelene, Maile, me and the girls were at target the other day. Aubrey saw this bike and did not want to get off it. She was riding all around target. Raelene offered to help pay for part of it so we have been riding ever since. This morning when she woke up her first words were " can I ride my bicycle now?" We got her one for Christmas but it was awful so she could never ride it. This one is a lot better.
We also played in the sprinklers, She had lots of fun with that.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
For an amazing man!!!
I just want to let my husband know that he is a wonderful father, husband and friend. He has been working so hard for our family and I appreciate everything that he does. Sometimes it his hard with two kids one trying to get use to sleeping through the night and one that is almost potty trained. He defiantly has to show a lot of patience. Aubrey loves it when he plays airplane with him, she gets in the laundry basket and he flies her around that is her favorite thing to do with him. Emily just loves to here him talk and make funny faces. He was pretty lucky this year for father's day he got to open his presents on Saturday. Why, I don't know we were just joking around about it and than decided why not we have church at 8:30 in the morning so we wouldn't have time to do it before that. I think that he was very happy with what he got. Also for dinner we had steak and potatoes, he loved that. It's not very often he gets things like that. After that we went to his Dad's house and visited with them. I am lucky enough to have a great father and father-in-law. I love all of these men very much. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!
Tamra surprised me and came up to visit for a little bit. Her and some of her friends went to the temple and than swam at my house. It was great to see her, I always love it when my family comes to visit.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Well it's hard to believe it but today Emily is three months old. She is starting to smile and react to different things. She is pretty good with lifting her head but doesn't like tummy time too much. I still have her do it though to get stronger. She is a pretty good baby and is doing a lot better now that she is feeling better. I can't believe that she started out so small 5lbs 7oz, and needed help with her oxygen you wouldn't know if you saw her now. She is growing very well and the last appointment which was about a month ago she weighed 9lbs 12oz. I was happy to hear that. She is trying to roll over we will see how long it takes her to figure it out.
I still have my baby fat though, sad :( I have official started to exercise, well since Monday. I defiantly can tell the difference maybe not my tummy yet but my attitude is a lot better. I don't feel as tired these past couple of nights. In fact, tonight I had a small head ache and was not in the mood to go. I told myself it is too earlier to be making excuses, so I dragged my butt off the couch and went and sure enough it felt better. Not to mention that I get a some time to myself which by the end of the day I need. Luke has been very supportive of my decision to start exercising again and will let me go first. I appreciate his help I think he has notice that I am a lot happier too. We usually go when he gets home from work. Thanks Luke for your love and support. Aren't husbands the greatest.
Anyways the kids are feeling a lot better Aubrey had a earache but she is doing good now. So I think life is back to normal YAY!!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
So yesterday Aubrey got to go to her very first friend birthday party. She is getting so big. She had a blast they played in the water. They had little pools a splash pad even a little slide that went into the pool. She didn't want to leave, but after three hours in the sun I told her we had to go. She keeps talking about it and wants to go back to Maggie's party. She was listening to all of the instructions and was being so good.
last night was a long night for me. Between Emily and Aubrey I felt like I was up have the night. Emily had a fever of 101 and was having a hard time sleeping and Aubrey wouldn't stop coughing. So needless to stay we didn't make it to our 8:30 church. Me and the girls stayed home. I hope that everyone gets better soon these long nights are killing me. She is doing better today, she seems too have a harder time at night for some reason that is when it gets really bad. :(
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