Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's official!!!

I am happy to say that Luke finally turned all of his paper work in and is substitute teaching for the first time today. He is excited and a little nervous it is 10th and 12th grade English. I will let you know how it turned out later. Before he left he said I am a WORKING MAN!!!I got a pressure cooker for my Birthday this year I was so excited so I thought I would make some beans I made 18 pint jars a 7 quarts. They all sealed but one. It was so awesome I am trying to get my year supply started. Thank you Carol for helping me learn how to do it. Also thanks Mom, Dad and Grandma for getting it for me.My Beans, Well some of them anyways.I am doing chicken this week they are so yummy!!!Luke is such a stud!!! He was looking hot on his first day of Subbing!!! I will let you know how it all turns out.


Kelly said...

yay beans and jobs! wooooooo!

Marisa and Rob said...

Hooray for luke!!! Also Hooray for you and canning!!! Man I need to come to your house, so you can help me can some food!!!! :) Sure do miss you, I get so bored and lonely without you here :( sniff,sniff.

Tiff Hunt said...

HOORAY FOR LUKE, and HOORAY for BEANS! I want a pressure cooker SO BAD! I am glad all is going well. SURE MISS YOUR GUTS! I also miss hearing you say 'TOODLES!' you're the best!